Friday, February 19, 2010

Bus ride

At the YMWA we ride an 1.5 hour bus ride to work each morning. We get picked up at 6:23 am.
Here is a little video about how exciting that is...


  1. Kelly,
    Is it really that far away, or does the bus just make many stops to make the commute that long? Is it the same length in the afternoon?
    And do all of you ride the same bus, or do you and Jamie take a different bus than Audry and Eduardo?
    Thanks for posting the video!

  2. We are almost first to get picked up and last to get dropped off. The school is probably 30 min away straight but since we do the whole route it's very long! Hour and 1/2 there and about an hour and 45 min. home. Audry and Eduardo ride a different bus, their school is about 10 min away and they pretty much go straight there!

  3. CORRECTION! Eduardo and Audry take a 35 Min bus ride to school, on the way home Audry's bus takes 15-30 min and Eduardo's is approx 10 min home. :)

  4. Wow, that really is a long trip each day, but it gives you plenty of "down time". I take it that Audry didn't like that you shortened her trip for effect :)
