Our last small group journey was to Aqaba which is located at the southern most point here in Jordan on the Red Sea. We rented a flat for a very good price through some friends Eduardo has made at the school (relationships are key here) and we enjoyed spending the weekend of Pentecost there together. This was the one of our only trips that was so relaxing and we thoroughly enjoyed picnic dinners on the beach, snorkeling in the beautifully clear water and definitely having two Sabbaths in a row.
Jamie and Kelley wrapped up their school year at the YMWA June 10th (although Kelley left briefly before that to fulfill a job obligation at home). Kelley helped prepare materials and Jamie helped in organizing and conducting the grand finale sports day for the students; they prepared for this day with coaching the students in the skills for the various events for several weeks before the event.
The school year at ABS concludes in stages; the KG (where I work) and junior school ended yesterday June 22nd. The KG is in the midst of moving into a new facility just built for them for the upcoming school year. It is very beautiful! Although trying to complete report cards with assessments, finish yearbook responsibilities and move an entire school on top of it all has definitely kept me busy (along with everyone else in the school) and in somewhat disbelief at how soon it will all be a memory for me. The rest of the school is taking their final exams this week and will end tomorrow June 24th. My last day is either June 28th or July 1st and Eduardo's is July 1st.
Stephanie is wrapping things up at the regional human security center with submitting research documents for publication, organizing of conferences and many other responsibilities she's taken on. She will officially conclude her time there in the middle of next week as well.
Since some of us as volunteers have left in stages it's somewhat created different dynamics to the project and our time here with each departure. It simply feels different when someone's spot at the dining room table is empty. But we've already enjoyed the amazing blessing of still being able to keep in contact through skype, even having skype dinners together (well at least some of us were eating dinner). This year has planted the desire in me so much more to grow closer to all of my family around the world through God's truth; it's amazing the ways we can grow and the experiences that can be changed or be so much more beneficial when we are together.

We're all excited about what we are moving onto in our lives, but of course this time is bittersweet as we are saying goodbye to friends we have just made. The example we have set here is one we hope and pray was an honorable one to God and continues to pave the way for those who will come after us. If you'd like to see more photos, hear brief stories, etc of our time here in Amman this year, please visit our facebook group "uyc jordan."
~Audry for the Jordan 5~
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